
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rustic Outdoor Maternity & Anniversary Photos

Justin and I recently celebrated our fifth how time flies! Can't believe it's already been five years! We decided (well I did really, and Justin was a great sport) to get some professional taken. The last time we had professional photos was our wedding, so it seemed fitting with our anniversary, and the little one on the way. I wanted some maternity photos of my growing belly, so Justin was kind enough to play along.

Although we had to drive two hours to the photographer, it was well worth the drive. Unfortunately it started raining literally five minutes before we arrived at the location. Such great timing!  :(   We had to jump in and out of the car whenever the rain stopped for a bit. Of course every woman reading this knows the gorgeously curled hair that I spent an hour on quickly became frizzy and limp. Not the best look for photos. Luckily we still got some amazing shots. 

The photographer, Kelly Williams, does brilliant work! You can find her website here. If I hadn't already bought some props to do baby photos myself, I would use her again for photos of our little one. 

The shoot was in Harrisonburg, VA, at an old mill. It had a beautiful pond, an old barn in the background, some brick walls, and an amazing old wooden fence. It gave the perfect rustic, outdoor feel I was hoping for.

Here are some of my favorite shots. Hope you enjoy!!

The first one is a shot I requested for our anniversary, with both of our wedding rings in it (and my belly of course!). I love how it turned out!

This may be my favorite. I got the banner on Etsy, and I absolutely love that fence! It gives the vintage, rustic look I was looking for.  :)

I'm sitting on the quilt my Nana made for me when I graduated from high school. It's always in the trunk of my car, always handy for whenever we need it.  :)  The photographer loved it!

These were taken at 36 weeks. My belly looks like a bowling ball!!! I don't think I look quite that big....the camera adds ten pounds, right?!?!? I'm just glad Justin and I were able to document our 5th anniversary, and the impending arrival of our first child. Now I just need to scrapbook all of these!  ;)

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