
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Baby Addie's Second Week

Baby Addie's second week flew by quickly. Justin was home to help thankfully. We started to get the hang of things at this point. They say you can differentiate between their cries, and surprisingly I can. She has a grunting/coughing cry when she needs her diaper changed, and a pitiful whining cry when she's hungry. Pretty crazy how you can learn to pick up on the subtle differences.

Here's Addie at exactly one week old, on the morning of the 31st.

This is her favorite sleeping position....unfortunately she never stays on her back like she's supposed to. The minute you put her down on her back, she rolls to her side. I actually found her twice on her stomach in the first week! She's not supposed to be able to roll onto her stomach for a few months! She's one strong little girl. 

This is her "I'm really unhappy" pose....

Here she is with daddy's favorite hat on...with the bear ears. As he says, how can you not smile?

Addie's first field trip was to Barnes & Noble...seems fitting considering that's where her mommy and daddy met. ;)

Here she is wrapped up in her cocoon for a walk. Nice and snug  ;)

Lastly, a few more photos of sweet Adelaide from her second week...

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